The election is a few weeks away.  Many people are very excited and full of energy about said election.  This kid will just be glad when it is all over!

Don't get me wrong, I find great value in being an American and having the right to vote.  I am a very patriotic person and I love this country.  Not sure about all of you, but I am not a fan of the political mudslinging that goes around during election years.  I just get sick of the negative television ads and the way people act as they are being overzealous about their chosen candidate.  I do not like confrontation and having different views often leads to confrontation.  

We all are different people and we all have different backgrounds.  These things are wonderful things.  If we were all the same, nothing would ever get done in this world, and it would be pretty darn boring.  We need to be different so that we can bring different talents and ideas to our part of the world.  The problem that I see sometimes is that we start to think that our background and ideas are better or more right than other people's ideas and backgrounds.  I do not like that part of the process.

I also do not like the difficulty that is involved in being an educated voter because you don't know what really is fact and what really is fiction.  What one candidate says can be twisted and changed and in a matter of weeks can actually be a 180 from where it began.  Also, in the commercials that are rampant now, you hear one thing from one candidate thirty seconds before you hear the opposite from the other candidate's commercial.  Seriously, who are you to believe?  And also, why are these commercials all about what the other candidate has done wrong.  Why can't we hear what the person who is advertising to me is going to do to make our country, our state, or our county a better place.  Sell yourself instead of throwing mud at the other person.

And really media is twisted anyway.  I don't care if we are talking about right wing media or left wing media because they both have a slant.  There just isn't very much in the middle, pure fact viewpoints out there to find.  I find it hard to do my civil duty of finding out who is worthy of my vote and it frustrates me. 

I don't talk about politics much because many times the conversations are just like those conversations on the TV commercials where automatically one candidate is right because of this or that and really I can't tell what or where the truth is.

So, if you are close to me and notice that I walk away or become quiet whenever politics start being discussed, know it isn't because I dislike you or even that I disagree with you.  Assume that my discomfort of confrontation comes forth and that my frustration with not knowing all the facts is also a factor.  

I really would much rather talk about sports.  At least when you talk about that, there is a real winner and a real loser(I won't even get started on a rant about the Electoral College!) and you know what the real objectives are.  So, get back to me in a few weeks.  We will have a civil conversation about the Packers or why Kobe Bryant is a moron, but until then, I will just be the quiet wallflower waiting for all the election mumbo jumbo to be over with.  Cheers!
10/21/2012 02:52:53 pm

I agree with you sistah, 100%! Well said!


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    Alice is a high school Health and Physical Education Teacher.  She is middle of the road politically(she can be conservative on some subjects while very liberal on others), which causes many adventures in her marriage to a very staunch republican. She has always dreamed of being a published writer, but seems to find little time in her busy life.  This site is to help her have an avenue to get the creative juices flowing.


    August 2012

