There are few times where I am upset by things.  I am pretty easygoing and don't easily take offense.  I do get very angry, however, when I come across trash randomly dropped along my path in life.

Many times when I find said trash, it is actually less than ten feet from an actual garbage can.  Really people, we have become that lazy?  Ten feet?  I don't even understand why somebody would feel okay with dropping a piece of trash when there isn't a trash can closeby.  Usually, we have pockets somewhere on our person where we can put our trash, and, if we don't have pockets, we always have hands that can carry our trash until we are closer to a garbage can(except for people who have lost their hands or been born without them, and to you, I apologize!).  

Why do some humans think that it is other people's jobs to pick up after them?  Or do they actually think that there is this magic force that makes junk just disappear?  

I used to just get really aggravated by seeing trash along my path.  I would secretly swear and comment to myself about the idiots that roam the earth, my beautiful earth.  I really like to think that when I am out wandering in nature, that it is my nature and nobody is around or has ever been along that path of solitude.  That is very hard to imagine when there is a plastic bottle or an empty cigarrette package on my path.  I am then constantly reminded that I never really have a space that is just mine.

I now try to pick up as much trash as I can while walking along.  I have made a commitment to make the world less trashy and give the gift of clean paths to my fellow earthlings.  I still may swear and complain about the person who did the littering, but the paths will be better than I found them and maybe, just maybe somebody will feel like they are the only human enjoying the space in their moment, in their nature. The balancing of garbage in my hands is worth the fight, and maybe I should always carry a plastic bag to collect the litterbugs sins so I don't feel awkward carrying large amoungs of trash along the way.

So, quit littering, if you are a trash dropper, and join me in picking up after the lazy bums who can't walk ten feet to deposit their trash in the correct bin! We all deserve a bit of solitude in our paths and we each can make our world a better place by so doing.

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    Alice is a high school Health and Physical Education Teacher.  She is middle of the road politically(she can be conservative on some subjects while very liberal on others), which causes many adventures in her marriage to a very staunch republican. She has always dreamed of being a published writer, but seems to find little time in her busy life.  This site is to help her have an avenue to get the creative juices flowing.


    August 2012

