One of the best "attitudes" we can have is that of gratitude.  No matter who we are, we always have more or better off than somebody around us.

Take a moment and look around.  What are you thankful for?  Is it the house you live in?  The people around you?  Maybe it is a favorite piece of clothing or a picture.  Whatever it is at this moment, that you thought of, didn't thinking of how thankful you are for it make you feel good inside?

I know that when I have an attitude of gratitude, my life seems much more full and that I feel better.  I like to keep a list of the things I am thankful for on a whiteboard in my kitchen.  I was inspired by amazing roommates a few years ago to do this and it truly has blessed my life.

I think when we have a grateful heart, we are more apt to see what we can do to help those who aren't as fortunate as we are.  I also think that we are less likely to judge others or ourselves to what Mr. or Mrs. Jones have.  I also think that being grateful helps you have a good attitude and you treat all Joneses in general better.
When we are not grateful, we feel as if we are in despair much of the time.  We often lust after things that we don't even need thinking that they will make us happy. We think more will make us happy, forgetting that there really is no end to more. Loving and appreciating all that we do have makes us better people.  We need to remember that wants and needs are different and most of us have exactly what we need in our lives. 

I challenge you to write down ten things you are thankful for and see for yourself how by so doing you get a cuddly little warm sweater around your heart.   

Here are my ten:
1.  A comfortable house to live in.
2.  A wonderful husband who works hard to do many things for us.
3.  A new family who has taken me in whole-heartedly and has shown much kindness.
4.  A mother-in-law who is so kind and makes amazing apple crisp.
5.  Friends who support and care about me.
6.  Enough money to take care of us.
7.  A bike that rides to work well.
8.  The smells of fall.
9.  Football season.
10.  A body and brain that help me learn new things and be able to enjoy many things in life.

I just put on my cuddly warm sweater, I hope you do so as well!

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    Alice is a high school Health and Physical Education Teacher.  She is middle of the road politically(she can be conservative on some subjects while very liberal on others), which causes many adventures in her marriage to a very staunch republican. She has always dreamed of being a published writer, but seems to find little time in her busy life.  This site is to help her have an avenue to get the creative juices flowing.


    August 2012

